
Sielwall 29
28203 Bremen

Linien 2, 3, 10: Sielwall

The Harmless Charge: A Battery Safe Enough to Eat

Lucia Sorrill | Universität Bremen

Donnerstag, 10. April

20:30 Uhr | Maerz | Bremen

Old-school stilo batteries: we love them, we use them and then we have to drag them to recycling. Annoying, right? But have you ever wondered what is inside those double and triple As? Most use Zinc, making them cheap and safe, but sadly single-use. Lucia Sorrill of the University of Bremen is researching how to make a rechargeable battery, that is cheap, safe, and also eco-friendly.

Sielwall 29
28203 Bremen

Linien 2, 3, 10: Sielwall
